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Luck of the Irish History

The Hibernia Marching Society, now the Hibernia Irish Society, was organized in Biloxi, Mississippi, in 1978 and incorporated as The Hibernia Marching Society of Mississippi, Inc., in 1989.

Although the Society was not formally organized until 1978, informal gatherings were held for about seventeen years by several spirited Irish Americans at Mary Mahoney’s Old French House Restaurant in Biloxi, Mississippi. Often the idea of organizing a St. Patrick’s Day Parade was discussed. However, a wee bit of Irish Blarney tells us that the idea lasted no longer than the last bottle of Bushmill.


In 1978, Dr. John O’Keefe, a Biloxi physician, decided to take some action. He placed an article in the Sun Herald newspaper, extending an invitation to all Irish, and those who would like to be Irish, to attend a meeting at Mary Mahoney’s to discuss the organization of the first St. Patrick’s Day Parade and the establishment of a society to sponsor such events. From the modest beginning, the Hibernia Marching Society of Mississippi, Inc. has become one of the largest and most viable organizations on the Gulf Coast, offering various events, most of which are described on this website. 

Original Members

Lace Curtain & Order of The Blarney Luncheons

In 1983, HMS started to host the Lace Curtain & Order of The Blarney Luncheon, which are held as part of the “Irish Heritage Week”. They traditionally were held the Saturday after the “Luck of the Irish” party at Mary Mahoney’s restaurant until this year. In 2020 our membership has grown to such numbers that we now need a larger venue. The luncheons are hosted by the outgoing Grand Marshal for the men and outgoing Colleen for the women.

The Lace Curtain luncheon for the ladies has included some type of entertainment, that has been from music, games, singing to creative hats. For the past several years we have held a Hat Contest after the luncheon. This luncheon has been and continues to be one of our most fun events. The hats range from traditional, humorous, to most Irish and prizes are given in each category.

The Order of the Blarney luncheon for the men is held in a separate room where they roast the new Grand Marshal. After the luncheon the ladies and the men get together for our hat contest.

In 1982, after a Hibernia Marching Society (HMS) meeting one of our members suggested that HMS hang a large shamrock at Biloxi City Hall during Irish Heritage Week. Thus, began the building of Gussie, which was an HMS team effort. Ben O’Keefe offered to draw the design of an “eight-foot shamrock” if  someone would build it. Tom Hall furnished the funds and Win Norris purchased the materials. Gussie David built it with Mary Lea Norris and Annabelle Hilbert adding the green and gold glitter. While working on Gussie, the ladies realized that it was too big for them to move around during the decoration process. When hearing of their dilemma Clark Shaughnessy volunteered his two young strong sons, Dennis and Kevin to handle this task. The City of Biloxi, under the leadership of a fellow HMS member, Mayor Gerald Blessey, asked the city crew to assist us in hoisting and securing Gussie in place in the front of City Hall.

You may wonder how Gussie received the name, which was due to Gussie David the man who built it. While building Gussie, Mr. David was suffering from a terminal illness, but he wanted to finish it for HMS. He was very proud of his accomplishment, but little did he know that Gussie would live on every
year as would his name. Due to his love and devotion and to express the appreciation of the HMS members the society named the shamrock “Gussie” in his honor. To this day it remains Gussie our HMS shamrock that hangs proudly on City Hall during our Irish Heritage. We owe all these HMS members a
deep depth of gratitude for building Gussie for everyone to enjoy.

“Gussie” The HMS Shamrock

HMS Irish Derby 5K Run and 1K Walk

Our HMS Irish Derby 5K Run and 1K Walk began when Mark Grace contacted the Gulf Coast Running Club to assist with sponsoring the run. The Grace family contributed creative ideas for t-shirts, flyers and sponsorship ad assisting the Gulf Coast Running Club. Over a hundred runners ran in the first Irish Derby, which was held on the morning of the 1990 St. Patrick Parade. It was overseen by all of the
Graces including Mark, Nancy, Joanne, Matt, Kelly and Shannon until 1994. At that time Ken Swanson took it over along with HMS members Marie Beach and Doris Mahalak doing much of the work until Mark Grace resumed Chairing it in 2008.


The Irish Derby is held rain or shine and begins at 9:00 AM the morning of our St. Patrick’s Day Parade. Registration is across the street from the Biloxi City Hall on Lameuse Street in Biloxi. All ages are eligible to participate, and family groups are welcome. For many years the refreshments were donated by Dole Fruit and Rex and Coors Distributors. At the finish line the winners are awarded trophies in the various
categories. HMS donates the t-shirts and each runner receives one. Our HMS Corporate Sponsors are listed on the back of the t-shirts. HMS owes much to the efforts of the Graces and other HMS members who rise early and volunteer their services for the Irish Derby.

This award was instituted to honor those HMS members who have exhibited
exemplary traits of membership and service to HMS, active participation and
general Irish enthusiasm. Per our Constitution and By-Laws:

  • The person nominated must be a member in good standing.

  • Nominations will be submitted in writing from a member in good standing.

  • The nominations will be read to the selection committee and decided by secret ballot.

Golden Shamrock Award

Step into the heart of our Hibernia family

join us today, and together, let’s carry the proud traditions of the Irish forward with every laugh, toast, and tale we share!

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